Women's Ministries

Worship Schedule

Sunday: 8:00 AM & 10:30 AM | Wednesday 7:00 PM

The Women of Christ Brea are committed to serving the Lord and
deepening their understanding of His Word. Together, they grow in faith, build meaningful connections, and live out their calling to glorify God in all they do.

Please fill out the form at the bottom of this page
If you would like to join in on any of the Programs Below!

Women's Bible Study

Join us every Wednesday morning at 9:30 AM as we come together to study the Word of God and grow in faith.
Currently, our Wednesday Bible Study is held on Zoom—fill out the form below to request the Zoom credentials
and join us from wherever you are!

For those who prefer an evening option, we also host an in-person Bible Study on Thursday nights at 6:00 PM.

This weekly gathering provides another opportunity for women to connect, learn, and grow in their walk with Christ.
We’d love to see you at one or both of these studies!

The Altar Guild

The altar guild at Christ Lutheran Church is a great way of volunteering time and efforts to ensure that the services at the church are able to be put on!The altar guild assists with maintaining and servicing the sanctuary, along with all candles, paraments,and anything else used for worship.

Christ Lutheran Church Food Pantry

The purpose of the Christ Lutheran Church Food Pantry is to share the love of God by serving our community with food!

Click below to learn more about distribution dates, times, and what you might be able to donate to the pantry!

Learn More

The Angel Tree

Every single year the Angel Tree is a great way to send gifts to the Eli Home, which is a shelter for abused children located in Anaheim, California. Year after year Christ Lutheran Church's Congregation provides many gifts for those that may not be getting anything else. The Women of Christ Brea help coordinate the collection and delivery of these presents to the recipients.

Caring Connect

The Women of Christ Brea enjoy serving the Lord in many different ways! Caring Connect is a way for them to do so by volunteering time and efforts to provide food for memorial services, congregational gatherings, and for emergency situations. 

The Lutheran Women's Missionary League (LWML)

The Lutheran Women’s Missionary League is the official women’s auxiliary of The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod. The national organization publishes the Lutheran Woman's Quarterly four times a year, and districts usually have their own newsletters. Since 1998, the LWML has also been known as Lutheran Women in Mission.

Family Connect

Family Connect is the Women of Christ Brea's outreach to those that might need a greeting card for those that might be sick, mourning, or other reasons.

This simple act of kindness can go a long way for our members who may be facing difficult times. 

Fleece Blanket Project

The Women of Christ Brea's Fleece Blanket Project is designed to create blankets to be handed out during Christmas time along with bags of food that are distributed to those who need it the most!

Prayer Quilt Ministry

We create lap quilts that are prayed over and signed by congregation members before being sent to those who are sick!

Contact Our Women's ministry team!

Looking to get in contact with our ministry team, or to learn more information!
Fill out this form and someone will reach out to you within the next 1-2 Business Days!
Thank you in advance for reaching out! God's Blessings to you!