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Thank You Pastor Pat Hauser
by: Christian Ilten
On Sunday, July 28th, 2024, we said goodbye to Pastor Pat Hauser. Here you can see the video that was played at his retirement party! more
Christ Lutheran Music Department Christmas Concert Now Available Online!
by: Christian Ilten
We invite you to view the 2023 Christ Lutheran Music Department Christmas Concert by clicking the link below:
DCE David Johnson Accepts Call to Fountain of Life Lutheran Church, Kernersville, NC
by: Christian Ilten
Director of Christian Education (DCE) David Johnson announced on October 29th, 2023, that he has accepted a call to Fountain of Life Lutheran Church in Kernersville, North Carolina. David read the following Letter: "Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, I want to thank you all for your prayers and support during this time of deliberation. The third chapter of Ecclesiastes reminds us of an unchanging truth, 'For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under more
Christmas Movie Night on December 15th!
by: Christian Ilten
We are excited to announce that we will be hosting another movie night on December 15th, and it will be a Christmas Movie Night! Details are still being finalized, but we hope that you can join us under the stars as we bundle up, drink some hot chocolate, and enjoy a classic Christmas-themed movie!
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Candelight Dessert on December 9th
by: Christian Ilten
SAVE THE DATE: OUR ADVENT CANDLELIGHT DESSERT for all women of our church and school (6th grade and up) and their guests will be held on December 9, 2023, in the Family Life Center from 7:00pm to 9:00pm.
The evening is a wonderful way to prepare our hearts for the Christmas season and to share that joy with others. Sign-up sheets are available in the Narthex to host a table or just be our guest!
Questions? Contact Lynn Myers (714) 273-4194 or email: lynnellenmyers@gmai more
Breakfast for Those Who Served on Veteran's Day
by: Christian Ilten
The Men of Christ would like to invite all veterans, men, and women, to a thank you breakfast on Saturday, November 11 at 8 AM. It's our little, but heartfelt way of saying thank you for your service to our country. All we ask is that you please RSVP to the church office 714-529-2984.
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Thanksgiving Bags Due on November 12!
by: Christian Ilten
“Connecting People to Christ” through “From the Heart” Thanksgiving bags! There is still time to adopt a bag and fill it for our food pantry clients. When returning your bag, please do not put it on the floor in the narthex. Use the white tables as marked. Thank you. Bags are due November 12th for distribution on November 18th. Contact JoAnne Sloan at 714 – 993 – 4129 or for moreinformation. more
Sunday School Classes Return on September 10th!
by: Christian Ilten
That's right! We are re-jumpstarting our Sunday School Classes Program! It begins on September 10th! more