Have you ever considered the demands of giving and receiving care? This booklet shares the challenges, joys, and unexpected blessings experienced by those deeply involved in the care process. Authors Ron and Maggie Hilmer understand the dynamics of care from the inside out. Ron is a pastor with Parkinson’s disease; Maggie is a physical therapist who has congenital heart problems and chronic back pain. Together they have learned how to help each other over life’s physical hurdles through their love for each other and their faith in God.
Providing care is a tall order. “Assisting a loved one whose needs require daily attention is not easy,” says Maggie.
Sooner or later each of us may be giving or receiving care. Ron asks, “Can anyone really avoid suffering? No, it is part of the human nature inherited from Adam after the fall of man into sin.” This reality, however, can have immense benefit when considered a rightly. “It can rouse us; it can awaken us from our lethargy and point us to the suffering Savior,” he says.
Join the Hilmers as they share frankly and with good humor the perspectives, they’ve gained from 16 years of marriage and as partners in the caregiving-receiving process.