News & Resources

Worship Schedule

Sunday: 8:00 AM & 10:30 AM | Wednesday 7:00 PM


At Christ Lutheran Church there is a lot of news to go around!

Learn about what is going on here at Christ Lutheran Church and School in our Headlines!

View the Headlines

Service Folders

Make sure you are prepared for worship by downloading and printing our service folders and announcement bulletins so that you can follow along! 

Service Folders

Monthly Newsletter

Check out the monthly newsletter to be informed about all upcoming events in the month along with a message from the pastors.
Monthly Newsletters

Bible Study Outlines (Sunday Morning Bible Study)

Our Sunday Morning Bible Study dives deep into scripture, and our Pastors are kind enough to create outlines for us so that we can follow along and even save the notes for the next time we read through the specific book! 

Click the link below to access all of our Bible Study Outlines!

View the outlines now

Lutheran Hour Ministries Booklets

Lutheran Hour Ministries provides us booklets that can help us throughout so many daily troubles that we face. We hope that these resources are a blessing to you and anyone who might need them!

View the catalog of booklets now